Ars Electronica 1999
Festival-Website 1999
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Festival 1979-2007


The Creative Gene Harvest Archive

' Gene Genies Worldwide Gene Genies Worldwide

Gene Genies Worldwide© is the visionary empire spawned from collaboration between the two internationally renowned biodesigners Karl Mihail and Tran T. Kim-Trang. It is their great pleasure to exhibit the culmination of a fifteen-year project involving some of the most creative individuals in the arts and sciences, The Creative Gene Harvest Archive.

The Creative Gene Harvest Archive began with Gene Genies Worldwide© ’s intent to harvest, store, and utilize the genetic codes for creativity collected from some of society’s most exemplary and recognized creative individuals in order to design and imbue future personalities with these same traits. In this display, we have selected a representative sampling from over 10,000 gifted individuals who have made significant contributions to the arts and sciences over the past fifteen years. To gaze upon this collection is to be a witness to creativity; it is a truly significant work of art in its own right. The harvest is ongoing and the archive is under consideration for being recognized as the eighth natural wonder of the world.

The Creative Gene Harvest Archive is a display of hair samples from people who are representative of creative individuals. The archive, with samples harvested by ”Gene Genies Worldwide”, is art as well as the cutting-edge in bioengineering. This unique collection, existing nowhere else in the world, was generously lent for this exhibition by ”Gene Genies Worldwide” in order to foster a better understanding and appreciation of the creative arts and sciences.