Ars Electronica 1999
Festival-Website 1999
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Festival 1979-2007


Image Manipulation Soundtrack

' Jomasounds Jomasounds

In the case of sound structures, there are two different procedures to describe specific characteristics :
1. audio fragments from TV and radio broadcasts are used, and
2. precisely defined frequency ranges are employed as audio structures or pure frequencies (architecture series) are employed as a basis in order to work with a specifically definable machine control logic.

Everything that the mechanical eye records:
found footage von CCTV surveillance cameras, traffic cams, earth observation satellites, ATM cash machine cameras, motion tracking and image analysis.
Streams from public places and private spheres, by day and by night, of human beings, of vehicles, of the planets.
A systematic process of selection is dispensed with completely.

The sequence of these videos and the rhythm of their cuts from one scene to the next are triggered by discrete signals in the midistream of the sequencer, and thus withdrawn for the most part from human control.
Primary emphasis is not on the content but rather on the signal. The compacted, imperfect image bears traces of its processing in the form of compression artifacts, its out-of-focus picture, its pixel structure.
The signal becomes imaged reality.

Installed in the Donautor pedestrian underpass—sealed off by a large-scale, elastic, semi-permeable rubber membrane—passers-by can penetrate through narrow slits.
The public space is overlaid with the illusion of a private space. Installed CCTV cameras perforate it with their pyramids of sight.