Ars Electronica 1997
Festival-Website 1997
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Festival 1979-2007


Corps et Graphie

'Marie-Hélène Tramus Marie-Hélène Tramus

This installation suggests that the viewer become a choreographer, who creates with several simplified computer-generated dancers a kind of living organism which is able to move around in real time. Actually his creation has to do with an imaginary choreography, which consists of creating a sort of plant-like animated organism. The rounded and flexible moves of the dancers present the imaginary idea of a body which is able to be metamorphosed into a plant-like, tree-like, flower-like body and so on.

The dancers' movements are not realistic since they go beyond the physical possibilities of a real body by performing imaginary movements that cannot be reproduced in the real world. They suggest, just as Oskar Schlemmer wrote in Mechanisches Ballett, "carrying out unconstrained imaginary shapes with unlimited variations".

Software Anyflo by Michel Bret