Ars Electronica 1996
Festival-Website 1996
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HotWired [www.HotWired.com] was born on the Web even before Netscape was out of Beta. HotWired sets the standard for online publishing, inventing a powerful new form of cultural reportage that is native to the Web’s multimedia, interactive environment. As Wired magazine chronicles the "Digital Revolution", HotWired is in the trenches daily, weaving provocative text, compelling graphics, cutting-edge audio, and evolving technologies like Java into a means of engaging the world that is the future of globally interactive media. The HotWired community [over 350,000 members world-wide] is Net-savvy, culturally sophisticated, and irreverent: the cultural visionaries of the next millennium. HotWired will be providing daily live coverage of Ars Electronica through RealAudio reports, interviews with participants, and broadcasts of performances.