

Open Air


Open Air a Radiotopia
on line - on site - on air

Radiotopia, a space created out of radio waves and data bits as a global network of artistic communication … streams of sound, voice and music whose paths cross simultaneously at several locations, where they are remixed and continue their journey in the company of new traveling companions or mingle as virtual sound-tourists amidst the local soundscapes.
In this project launched by Ars Electronica, artists of every stripe and flag will comprise the network’s nodes and segments in every imaginable form. Any available medium is permissible: satellite, ISDN live hook-up, mp3, streaming, telephone, CDs and tapes snail-mailed in, scores or texts submitted by fax, letter, postcard ...

Artistic direction: Rupert Huber/A
Venue Linz: Rupert Huber/A, Andres Bosshard/CH, Lorenzo Brusci - Timet/I, August Black/USA, Isabella Bordoni/I, Trinity Session/ZA, Thomas Schneider/A, Hubert Hawel/A, Joachim Schnaitter/A, Anna Friz (CDN)uva
additional venues in Südafrika, Zimbabwe, Senegal, Italien, Israel, Australien, Canada and many more to come.
Concept: Rupert Huber/A, Gerfried Stocker/A A cooperation of: Ars Electronica, Brucknerhaus, ORF, Ö1 Kunstradio, Radio Österreich International uva.

Klangpark 2002 - Opening & Live Performance
Sun, 8.9., 19.30

Real Space Streaming
Mon - Tue, 9. - 12.9., 11.00 - 19.00

Open Air - A Radiotopia–Soirée
Tues, 10.9., 19.00 – 23.00
Brucknerhaus, Donaupark

Long Night of Radioart
Tues, 10.9., 23.05 - 05.00
on air: ORF, Ö 1 Kunstradio
on line: http://kunstradio.at