



What you see is what you get

*dominoa* is a literary game that addresses the pleasure of playing a game and the enjoyment of reading a text.The game is played with excerpts from books by female Austrian authors, and the goal of the game is to match enough of the segments to uncover the various texts as full pages. Beginning with identical book pages the various texts are arranged sequentially like pieces in a game of Dominos. Each text is available in seven major variations: from legible text to fractured graphic elements. Text has always had a visual aspect and the Internet as a medium tends to focus on this. Dominoa emphasis this graphic nature of text by continually reformatting scale and visual composition of the segments. The movement between these variations creates a continual modification of attention to the text. The question we are left with is if our different ways of viewing change the content of what we read. Perhaps those of you who cannot read but only see the text have the answer.