

openX - electrolobby / Showroom
openX - electrolobby / Showroom


Monotonik (UK)
Free Software Project (US)
Pixelporno (CH) (US)
l Memepoo
Next Sex Web Jam (FR) (JP)
Boombox (CH)
Sissy Fight 2000 (US)
Icontown (DE)
Leonardo (US) (FR)
Christoph Kummerer (AT)
Distributed Annotation System (US)
Giant Connection Machine (UK)
etoy (CH)

showroom for net-inspired digital culture
Following the Initial Public Opening, electrolobby will harbor an archipelago of net-inspired lifestyle: A marketplace of opinions, projects, branded cultural commodities and their pirated bootlegs - a venue in which genetic researchers meet experimental entertainers, food jockeys mingle with MP3 mixers, game designers kibbutz with concept engineers ... openX-electrolobby will focus on the bold strategies being spawned in the white heat of social, economic and cultural transformation, which are rapidly overhauling global computer networks. Generations X, Y and Z will come together in full confidence and share the challenges, conflicts, and opportunities faced in this, the very top-level domain of life.
concept and program: TNC Network/F (Tina Cassani, Bruno Beusch)
spatial design: Scott Ritter