
Prix Ars Electronica


ORF Oberösterreich

In the category "Computer Graphic", the Golden Nica of Prix Ars Electronica 88 has been awarded to David Sherwin (Berkeley) for his work "The Battle". On a high technical level this work marks an impressing step towards a goal that many artists want to reach: the conquest of new areas of perception beyond the known reality. With its earthy, brownish colours, enhanced by some scattered highlights, and its contrastful material texture the image powerfully relates the phantastic drama of the creation of a surreal world.

Besides the Golden Nica, the jury has awarded two Distinctions to two other competitors. Peter Kogler (Vienna) is honoured for his image "Ohne Titel I" (Untitled I), Andy Kopra (Los Angeles) for his work 'Tire".

Peter Kogler's work in a convincing manner demonstrates the artist's possibilities to fight his way to a personal, unconfound-able imagery style in using the computer as a tool. Kogler makes a very purpose-oriented and sparing use of technical ressources in transposing a creative conception, wherein nothing is left to chance. He avoids the dangers of simple and obvious schematism and achieves unique pictorial effects.

Andy Kopra's award winning work - using all technical possibilities available for subtle and creative spatial design and colouring in a creative manner - impressed the jury with its perfection as to how adequately interprete a fractal motive and to bring it near to the viewer's imagination.

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