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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Le paradis perdu / Cirque / Tableaux d'une exposition
Michäel Gaumnitz


Eight short pieces of "electronic animation", bom from the encounter of a painter with a videographics tablet. Eight improvisations on a theme which relate an atmosphere, a climate, a mood, a reminiscence... In order to link up his constantly changing images with their creation. Michael Gaumnitz has even derived an advantage from the limitations of a rudimentary palette: three basic colours (red, blue, green) and their complementary colours; some elementary functions (emergence, shifting, multiplication, erasure). Sometimes humorous, sometimes nostalgic, but always drawing from sources of an ever fertile imagination, these GRAF'NITZS make accessible a new means of expression in the form of a computer. As a successor to traditional animation cinema, they open up for painting new dimensions in time and space.