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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Journey to Nothingness
Franz W. Kluge

"Journeys to nothingness" - a computer animated journey going back to itself like a game. From the universe of dices and boxes, spaces are created and transversed in changing perspectives. A journey without goal, having as its topic the labyrinthic situation in which - as a result of movement -the perspectivic space of illusion is lead back into the plane. Every little fraction of notion is lost under the syntax of the rules. Imaginations from de Chirico's world of images are interlocked with the expressive means of the "cinema pure". "Journeys to nothingness" is a first metaphoric inquest into the aesthetical and semantic structures of calculator-generated expression, motivated simultaneously by fascination and scepticism. (F. W Kluge)