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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Occursus com novo
Achim Stösser

The computer arts today are still distinguished by a concentration upon mere aesthetics of information. On one hand, this leads to aesthetically extraordinarily well-done images - for this kind of art is definitely immanent to the medium -, on the other hand, quite often the historism of the 20th century simply leads to imitations or copies of Op-Art or Minimal Art works.

The computer generated animation "Occursus cum novo" is formally built to a scheme deriving from music - the rondo. This means, the film is divided into two parallel strings of action that are interchanged, although these two levels of reality are not absolutely independent from each other.

In the final sequence, both worlds melt into an entity that leaves it to the viewer to decide, how to consider this amalgamation. Only in this sequence, when objects from one world penetrate into the other, the surprising relations of size become visible. Simultaneously, the imitation or sketching of real objects tries to establish a connection between Art, Nature, Technology and Science. (A. Stößer)