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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Raum 1
Andreas Henrich

Andreas Henrich was born on 23 November 1949. He graduated from Mainz Werkkunstschule in 1973 as a Diplomated Designer. After three years as lecturer at Fachhochschule Mainz he studied informatics and philosophy in Karlsruhe, and from 1977 on visual design in Offenbach. After 1976 he had been a freelance graphics designer. In 1982 he was nominated Professor for Electronic Media at the Fachhochschule Rheinland-Pfalz, Department of Mainz I.

In human thinking and experience, images play a central part. Images, visual signs and symbols are means of human communication that are perceived in a holistic way, that create connections, render visible structures and relationships — much more so than the abstract, discursive and rational language. Visual language may contribute to give us a view of the whole that is more and more destroyed by scientific and technical specialization and restrictions in our minds.

The computer is an important instrument in that. It gives us the possibility to render visually perceivable complex structures and systems and thus to enlarge our experiences and horizons: the computer as an instrument of perception.

In this sense, my works shall be a contribution to the development of an adequate visual language and the aesthetics connected to this.

Technical Background

HW: HP 9000
SW: Pytha