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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

The Trees are Walking
Chico McMurtrie

Chico MacMurtrie, 1983 B.F.A., University of Arizona; 1987 M.F.A. New Forms and Concepts, University of California. He has received several awards and scholarships including the Grant for Interdisciplinary Artists 1988 and the Arizona Regent's Scholarship at the University of Arizona. 1981—82 he was Director of the 830 Gallery in Tucson

For the last ten years I have worked in multiple mediums to create the Total Art Form. This pursuit has led me into the use of modern technology to illustrate the primitive aspects of the human condition. I use materials, sculptures, and mechanisms to represent metaphors for human actions and social circumstances.

Four years ago I began to develop a series of anthropomorphic robots. I interacted with these creatures via radio control with the controls directly attached to my body. I became more interested in having the audience participate as well. This led to "The Trees are Walking", an installation inspired by the depletion of our natural environment.

Within the installation the computer is the main brain which controls the fate of society. As in the larger world context, the interaction of the audience or members of society at large, can influence the sequence of events but the outcome is always the same.