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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Anchorings / Arrows
Jens Hedman, Erik Mikael Karlsson

The soundworld of Karlsson & Hedman makes it still possible to distinguish between the "foreground" and the "background": the latter with its softer nuances and timbres, makes the foreground stand out in relief which gives it light and shade according to the shifting musical and acoustical image.
As a result, the form of the work is much simpler to perceive than in their previous works. If imposing pillars of concrete sounds occupies a leading rolle in Anchorings/Arrows, it is offset by a skillfully handled, constantly shifting instrumental texture, to which the well balanced concrete soundworld and the dominant attacks give backbone and strength. The impression of the works is at the same time predictable in its regularity and slightly threatening in its aggressiveness.