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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Devil's Mine
Jos Claesen, Anton Roebben

'Devil's Mine' is a mostly animated movie which takes the viewer on a wild ore-cart ride through an abandoned gold mine with boiling lava, pits, bottomless gorges and explosive gases. The images have a resolution of 5,000 lines and were printed onto 70mm motion picture film in the Showscan DMS (Dynamic Motion Simulator) format, which is shown at 60 frames per second. The challenge of making 'Devil's Mine' was that this was the first Showscan production to use fully computer-generated 3D images at very high resolution. Each of the 9,200 frames took an average of 40 Megabytes and one hour to render, occupying three animators for four months. Programs were specially developed for special effects like flames, explosions and bubbles. The high resolution and the high frame rate give an impression of extreme realism. The film is shown with a six channel sound system and hydraulically moved seats to complete the illusion.