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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Digital Rear Window
Kevin Ruston

'My program enabled me to deconstruct the film 'Rear Window' by Hitchcock down into a set of component parts which could then be reconstructed into an event-driven interactive structure. This involves building visual interfaces where the interaction is based on 'scripting' - each object (sound, image, text, button etc.) can have a script attached which will describe a series of events which can be arranged to be executed in relation to any other event in the final system.
The interaction generally works as in the following; the viewer can 'click' with the mouse/cursor in the windows of the main scene. This will trigger an animation file from the film to be played m that window accompanied by sound samples. Clicking on the figures of James Stewart or Grace Kelly may trigger an argument in sound samples, or may reveal James Stewart's dreams, in animations. If the 'screen kiss' animation is triggered it will be accompanied by the romantic piano music, whilst the sinister man appears with thunder and ciccadas sound samples. The interaction does not occur as a controlled set of choices through particular ordered paths, but rather it is firstly a space to be explored. My intention is for this to result in an ironic sense of presence, one which may speak poetically of the situation of postmodern subjectivity and the relationship to simulation technology.