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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Michael Rosas-Cobian

We are in a harsh environment yet a very beautiful one. It is cold yet sunny, the air is pure but thin. Our only resources are the ones of our imagination and of our spirit. The Lucero guides us. We endure.
In this work I felt I needed to express the harshness and timelessness of the landscape and people, the apparent desolation and the hope. 1 felt I couldn't just write a piece, I needed many. I wanted 'voices', ancient voices, images of thoughts, recollections, feelings and distant awareness all in a kaleidoscopic collage of tightly woven aural images, harsh, uncompromising, rasping sounds and the beauty of the Charango leading us through it all.
‘Lucero’ was commissioned by the Sonic Arts Network on behalf of Augustin Fernandez for the ‘Electrifying Exotica’ concert series at the Purcell Room, South Bank Centre.
‘Lucero’ was composed and realized at the Electroacoustic Music Studio, City University London,1992.