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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Pour entrer et sortir d'un conte
Jacques Lejeune

'L 'entrée 'presents itself as a walk through a labyrinth. The elements are driven by repetitive processes and recurrence, tend towards stagnation in structure of firmly attached blocks, dense masses which appear compact and opaque, like a sort of homage to forest scenes in Gothic painting. The whole of this first part is marked by a dramatic, ceremonious, almost priestly, but also archaic, slow, and heavy atmosphere, taking advantage of a broad segment of the available tonal register.
'La Sortie' narrows the spectrum, limiting itself to the medium tonal range of ringing bells. It suggests a certain brilliance, liquefies, reveals in its liveliness a host of sound shapes formed by rebounds, step-like patterns and upswings, while gradually evoking organic and animal life and, completing this process of maturation, the presence of humanity.