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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Les deux chèvres - Série "Les Fables Géometriques"

'Geometric Fables' is the first TV series in the world which was created exclusively with the help of 3D computer animation and has been broadcast in many European countries. There are five series in all, each containing ten fables lasting three minutes respectively in the shortened version.

The series has been adapted from La Fontaine's and Aesop's fables; text and music were provided by Pierre Perret, a popular French singer, who is also the narrator. Each episode of the series consists of a song and the presentation of the animals in short, funny scenes which allow for an educational approach to the different themes of the series. Only then does the actual story unfold and we rejoin a group of familiar characters: the quick and clever Rat, the stupid and boastful Hare, the smart and obstinate Tortoise, the Stork bent on revenge, the ugly Wolf, the Lamb, the Goats... in all kinds of situations and with all kinds of tricks! (Fantôme)