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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Power Surge
Keith Hunter

'Power Surge' was created with the intent of providing an experience that is vaguely defined, to allow each viewer to uniquely interpret the piece according to his/her own experiences. A particle program originally designed to simulate traffic, was used to create the wildly circulating particles of the entity. The idea behind this was to generate an amorphous form that isn't immediately recognizable as an individual entity.

The form of the individual is discovered only after the viewer looks at enough of the animation. It is this sense of discovery that allows the viewer to interpret his/her own unique connection to the experience. In reality the entity is made of five particle groups instead of just one. This allows the torso and legs to be animated individually. The interesting thing is that each of these groups is exactly the same as the others and each group only contains 25 particles. What makes the particle groups look dissimilar is scaling and lighting. The idea behind this is that refined simplicity can create the illusion of complexity. (Keith Hunter)