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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Lászlo Dubrovay

After the many timbral experiments and the many new techniques of sound organization that we have developed with the help of computer and synthesizer systems with their ever richer sound possibilities, the time has now come to represent, in music, the complexity of life, the rich scope of our thinking and our contemporary man. The title 'Symphonia'pays hommage to the grand masters who, in this cyclic form, had so much to tell about us. By reviving the symphonic form - searching for the melodies of our time with new harmony, new sound materials and an instrumentation and dramaturgy in metamorphic change - 1 want to talk about us.

The first part is in sonata form. During the course of the movement, such sound changes, sound metamorphoses, poly-speed sound processes, polyrhythms and shifts and changes in the texture occur, that never could be realized with traditional orchestras or instruments. The second movement works only with motifs. Gigantic, widespread forces determine the drama. The third movement is one great 'accelerando'. The primordial mechanical forces emerging from below and wanting to engorge and destroy everything, could become very dangerous for all of us. (László Dubrovay)