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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Valley Flow
Denis Smalley

The formal shaping and sound content of 'Valley Flow' were influenced by the dramatic vistas of the Bow Valley in the Canadian Rockies. The work is founded on a basic flowing motion which is stretched to create floating and flying contours, panoramic sweeps, and the flinging out of textural materials. Special attention is paid to creating spatial perspectives - gazing out to the distant horizon, looking down from a height, the dramatic impact of mountain bulks and land masses, and the magnified details of organic activity.

Landscape qualities are pervasive: water, fire and wood; the gritty, granular fracturing of noise-textures; and the wintery, glacial thinness of sustained lines. The force and volatility of nature are reflected in abrupt changes, and turbulent disturbances whose detailed proximity tend to invade the personal space of the listener. (Denis Smalley)