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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Cornelia Halle

In addition tu the training within a 2D-graphic-working-group chaired by assistant professor Wolfram Erhardt, CIMDATA Gmbh (Berlin) offered a group of artists the opportunity to prepare an entry for Prix Ars Electronica. The working group included: Cornelia Halle, scenographer; Ina Kerkhoff, textile designer; Günter Blendinger, painter/graphics artist; and Regina Liljeberg, fashion designer. What held the group together was the quest for graphical and pictorial liberty, the quest for a quality that cannot be expected from technology only, nor from art. The work "Bar" was authored by Cornelia Halle. Cornelia Halle was born in (then East) Berlin in 1961. She studied exhibition and design at the Berlin Advertising and Design College and painting at Berlin Art College. She worked as stage designer for DFF TV Entertainment and was trained as computer graphics designer at Dr. Galwelat, CIMDATA.

The experience of working mostly in your mind without a concept and letting yourself be surprised by the effects does not yield very convincing works". For me, it is important to develop an individual style with the Computer as an expressive tool. I want to produce computer generated art that does reveal itself as such.

Life and flair of a large city like Kerlin are both incentive and friction far me. I find inspiration in many ways here, inspiration that compels me to work on it. The computer as a media both helps me and is yet an unknown territory waiting to he explored. Designing always mean exploring!

In my work I have tried to capture and to analyze what is typical of a situation. Motion -rest, reflection - conversation, loneliness and community, they all are an incentive for me. They, loo, are the background of 'Bar'. Behind all the free formal design, you will also find part of my personal experience.

Technical Background

SW: Enhance