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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Ronin Romance Classics
Bruce Pukema

Each of the longer form pieces that I do is an attempt to learn the craft of animation. What I feel are weaknesses in the last animation gives me an excuse to produce another in hopes of addressing these weaknesses. So far I have as many ideas as I have weaknesses. As I observe my progress it has come to me that I had better come up with a lot more ideas. The broad narrative in the animation is the structure. The “little moments” are added to keep me amused as I attempt to stave off the boredom of animating in a computer. The frustration of never being pleased with what I produce is offset by my growing fascination with animation.

The technical end of our production is fairly simple. I use Softimage running on a SGI 2 Extreme with an R4000. Due to a lack of equipment I try to “edit in the camera” as much as possible. The final edit was done on a Flame courtesy of Lamb & Company.