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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Ambitious Bitch
Marita Liulia

"Ambitious Bitch" is an update of western femininity at the turn of the millennium. I chose some of the main subjects that women's studies have brought into public discussion in recent years, and built up a multimedia presentation of 12 sections using different rhetoric and representations. I let the voices of high culture and pop, philosophy and cheap magazines talk about the same subjects simultaneously. The "buttonless" interface is specially designed for women and people who dislike computers.

It consists of 12 modules:
- Body-Art of Existence (questions the idea of the female body as a design object)
-Woman? Sex / Gender? (after this visually and philosophically heavily loaded section, you will not be so sure any more ...)
- Female Perversions (seven stories based on psychological case studies and some women I know).
- Erotic tales (six stories by Finnish authors describing female erotica)
- Ambitious Witch (fortune telling program)
-Waves of Modern, Postmodern & Feminisms (philosophy in a nut shell)
- Female Qualities? (questions stereotypical female characteristics)
-Traditional Wit (old and new proverbs about women)
- Ambitious Blonde (the dilemma of a perfect woman & the latest blonde jokes told by Herself)
- Fashion, Designers, Garment (authorities that create the female image)
- AB homepage (women & technology, equality)