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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

An Artist

"An Artist" is inspired by Article 29 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which states that all children have the right to develop their talents and abilities. In the current work, a young girl relegated to the kitchen escapes into a musical world of her own creation.

The director invented a story based on her personal experience. She prepared a script, storyboard and shooting script before doing the initial shooting on black and white film. A musical theme guided the gestures and attitude of the young actress. These live-action sequences were then edited and every second frame of the 16mm negative was digitized. The backgrounds and camera movements were redesigned and reproduced on the computer and the shots of the live-action characters were composited over them. Each frame was then "painted" in grey scale with an electronic felt pen. Musical notes were drawn on the images and randomly animated. The textures and coloured lighting effects were applied to the final images in batches.