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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Pas rien
Martin Fischer

The feministic author and journalist Erica Fischer, whose works have been of great importance for my thinking for years, is both inspiration and center pivot of this work.

The composition is based exclusively on material that is directly connected to her: Sentences she spoke herself, the acoustical documentation of her working situation on the micro-computer - in short, noises, sounds, and tones that are created when texts are made and that behave neutrally confronted with spontaneous observation. Sounds, the contents of which do not - at first - allow deducting when and where they were created. I added two quotations from may works "Flattern" and "Warum sollte ich wohl", in one case one bar, in the other six seconds.

These basic materials were exclusively - for the first time - digitally processed (PDP-11/60 hardware, Music V and GRM - developed custum software). The acoustic "trash" that in other times is rather the cause of dayly annoy-ment, was worked over with the computer, in order to have it admit to which semantic constellations it ows its existence. The author's voice was the object of analysis in this process, the results of which modified the parameters of the acoustical micro-computer trash. What resulted, is the musical re-drawing of what the author describes in her texts. (M. Fischer)