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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Raoul Cannemeijer, Laurence Desarzens


Laurence Desarzens / Raoul Cannemeijer

Whether it’s French hip hop crews, American turntablists, English drum and bass DJs or German electronic wizards: since 1997 BoomBox.net streams the best of urban club culture on the net.

But what’s the point?
For the two founders Raoul Cannemeijer and Laurence Desarzens, it’s a way to show the vitality of urban sounds from anywhere anytime: an alternative to mainstream entertainment. An ever-changing mosaic of styles, constantly evolving for our aural pleasure. Having been involved in club culture themselves for years, and having and still promoting their own club nights (XPD), they decided to share their musical tastes online and play with the beats and bytes.

Get in, plug in, and stream. BoomBox.net online mixtapes for the streetsmart generation—Pure Dope.

Laurence Desarzens (B) has worked as a taxigirl to support her art school studies and her activities in the fields of art and music in Geneva. In Brussels,where she worked on various musical projects as well as being a photo grapher specialized in motorcycle gangs and drag racing,she started several cultural projects online with her Dutch partner Raoul Cannemeijer. They started BoomBox.net,Nom ad Online Agents GMBH and beatmap.com,juggling between corporate contracts for online solutions (e.g. streaming Big Brother Switzerland) and online events with Boombox.net (Ars Electronica). Today she lives in Zurich with her partner Raoul Cannemeijer.