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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich




Ultrashock, the Ultimate Knowledge Base for Multimedia Developers, is a collaborative effort of professionals within the multimedia and design communities, whose collective goals are centered around sharing knowledge, concepts, and ideas through their own unique explorations and points of view. Providing a wealth of educational content and resources, Ultrashock delivers an environment that is informative, entertaining, and inspirational.

When you enter the site, though, make sure that you don’t skip the intro. Otherwise, you’ll be missing one of the most stunning sequences around, the opening cartoon of two characters (the site’s creators) in space leading into the theme of the site, with the interface and navigation heavily influenced by the great beyond.

The intro animation was a collaborative effort between Ultrashock and James Hutchinson (http://www.crashlander.com). The cartoon characters that you see on the site were actually created from real portraits of the moderators, who help out in the discussion forums on Ultrashock. The whole idea was to create a site that is fun to visit and would simultaneously encourage and inspire our community members to share and learn from one another.

Ultrashock epitomizes where the web should be headed: rich graphics, sumptuous navigation and massive portions of the highest quality content seen nowhere else on the web. It contains links to some fantastic sites and offers Flash tutorials, the latest Flash news, a Flash challenge, interviews, forums and even open source files created by some of the most well known Flash masters.

Ultrashock is a professional community for multimedia developers focused on sharing and exploring ideas and knowledge that push the boundaries of the technologies we work with. Ultrashock is a blend of educational content, resources, and entertainment presented in a professionally designed environment.