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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Lionel Catry, Julien Charles , Nicolas Launay , Olivier Pautot

Since I wanted to make a computer-animated short film based on cut out paper, I set myself a number of limitations to begin with—from the perspective of animation as well as modeling and rendering—which I was forced to take into consideration from the start. Therefore, I prepared the different colored backgrounds of the film in preproduction and implemented them with oil pastels and other tools (the night scenes were especially important to me). Before the animals were implemented in 3D, they were made in paper to increase their optical credibility.

KAMI now seems very far away—ten months have passed and my plunge into working life marks a new segment. There is no comparison between the working techniques at school and those in a special effects company. Everything has to be learned new, and my impression after these few “post-Supinfocom” months is that it is like a train racing by so fast that it changes time: the weeks seem like hours, the months like days.

And a lot of impressions have to be worked through to be able to deal with the fading feeling that now everything is just beginning ...