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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Current Weather Maps
Charles Henrich

Charles Henrich (USA) began playing with computer systems at the age of 6, and has not been able to stop. Currently he is a Software Engineer in the Unix Computing Group at Michigan State University, working with every Unix system known to man (and woman). Charles has been puttering around the Web since its inception, and is most famous for his weather site at MSU.

The "Current Weather Maps" Web page contains a variety of satellite imagery and weather data from around the world. Most of this data is updated at least hourly, providing the world with an excellent source of weather information. Roughly every three hours several sets of the images are converted into MPEG movies, giving the user a better feel for weather patterns and other such phenomena. The vast majority of the data for this Web page originates from other places, the only things generated locally are the MPEG movies. With this in mind, I must give great thanks to all those who provide such imagery, including UE, NASA, SSEC/WISC, and UIUC. Everything on this web page Is totally automated and requires no human intervention for maintenance. Quite a few technological innovations have come out of this page, the most notable being the NCSA inlined-include mechanism.