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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Martin Kucera

www.filmemacher.at offers young filmmakers a community in which they can exchange ideas on film. After registering free of charge, the user may log in and use all the benefits of www.filmemacher. at (short form: FMR.at).
Once users have logged in, they have many possibilities of learning more, and exchanging views and experiences with others about different areas or of promoting themselves on the homepage.

The idea for the project was born in 2001, because at the time there was no homepage like it on the web—no page that aimed at reaching Austria’s young filmmakers and at offering so much about film free of charge. In November 2001, the project was revised, redesigned and then reprogrammed as of December 2001. The entire project was conceived and constructed by Martin Kucera. Besides working with HTML and JavaScript, he used Flash, PHP and MySQL. These programs enable him to constantly update the homepage without difficulty.