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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Journal de Tokyo
Yuko Nexus 6

Yuko Nexus 6' account of how Journal de Tokyo was put together best sums up the nature of this recording: "I recorded a 45-minute session with my friend on a DAT tape, and then recorded many tunes over it. Our session got cut up, so you can only hear some fragments of the original. This is not only a CD but a cassette tape as well. You can hear some noises that are typical in cassettes from the good old days. Random order listening is also recommended."

Placing the work’s content in context, Yuko Nexus 6 states: “Some pieces on this disc are based on the work of Japanese author Hyakken Uchida (1889 -1971). Japanese readers can find his paperbacks in bookshops. Two famous Japanese film directors used Uchida's novels and essays in their films: Seijun Suzuki's Zigeunerweisen and Akira Kurosawa's last film Maadadayo.