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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

A Magic Square Of 5 To Look At / A Magic Square Of 5 To Listen To
Paul Panhuysen

A Magic Square Of 5 To Look At / A Magic Square Of 5 To Listen To is a composition in two parts. The same magic square is translated into two versions. One can be experienced by the eyes, the other one by the ears. Both parts of the work have the numerical order of the magic square of 5 in common. Presented as a room installation, A Magic Square Of 5 To Look At is a floor piece of 5 by 5 meters.

The grid of the magic square of 5 consists of 25 square building units in three different colors and realized in perspex units. The audience moves around the floor piece in the space. In this work, the numbers of the magic square are replaced by a geometrical construction, dividing the units into three equal squares. The three squares of the building units are presented in three different colors and in six variations.

The Magic Square Of 5 To Listen To Is Not A Square is a time-based sound structure, 29 minutes and 15 seconds long. The work is made audible through a quadraphonic sound system surrounding the floor piece. It performs the four staves of the score independently, each starting about 5 seconds after the previous one.

Because the parts are constantly shifting, the sounds keep changing for a very long period of time. The audience moves around the floor-piece in the space. Four parameters defining the piece are indicated in the computer score; they follow the numerical order of the magic square in four different modulations. The sounds are recorded on computer using the programme CSOUND.