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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

Hos Geldiniz Avusturya
Multimedia Team: Europahauptschule Hall/Tirol

Time and again, children who have only recently moved to Austria are forced to go to special schools just because their knowledge of German is inadequate. And this is so even though their academic performance might in some areas be better than their classmates whose mother tongue is German. Our CD is meant to help counteract this situation. Moreover, we would like to offer teachers of German as a second language an additional teaching aid.

With this learning CD, children are given a chance to pick up the vocabulary required for everyday (school) life and to check their results in an enjoyable way. They can also hear how things are pronounced and so work around reading problems. We especially wanted to make checking the learning goals as entertaining as possible. To provide pupils and teachers with a hardcopy of the vocabulary, we have included a .pdf file that can be printed out.

We are a voluntary project group from the Europahauptschule in Hall, Tyrol. Our town has a high percentage of foreigners and many pupils come to our school who do not know enough German. We wanted to develop a program for all these pupils, one with which it would be fun to learn German.