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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

Fantasy X - Dark Dreams
Manuel Eder

Fantasy X—Dark Dreams is a 12-minute fantasy adventure that was made entirely with Flash 5. I began making it in January 2004 and finished it in March 2004.

Although with Flash 5 you can only work in 2D, I was still able to create a 3D atmosphere by using certain techniques (e.g. light haze in several layers and different speeds or slight distortions with motion tweens). The figures in the film were drawn with an optical mouse directly in Flash and edited. The backgrounds were first generated in Photo-Impact 8 and then reworked afterwards in Flash. Each background took me an hour or two. It was particularly difficult to make the cuts between the consecutive scenes work well, which is why I needed 55 text exports to get the music edited perfectly. Each export took up to an hour and a half.

I made the music together with my friend Dino A. with Fruity Studio 4.12. I wrote the melodies myself.

The script is based on the story Fantasy X—Dark Dreams, which I had written much earlier. It is about the dark dreams of Fantasy X. The film has more than 90 animated figures, some 50 backgrounds, 30 dialogues and 9 different background songs, all packed into approximately 120 scenes.