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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

Miro 1
Christof Barth, Thomas Müllegger

Miro 1 is the model for a computer-controlled vehicle. Via a parallel interface and a programme in VisualBasic, the vehicle can be driven manually (by joystick). Thanks to two motors, Miro 1 can move: one motor is for the steering. A second motor supplies the required mobility. Current for the motors and the blinker comes from a 12-volt adaptor. The data lines (outputs) of the parallel interface are used to control the motor. The blinker as well as the motors themselves are turned on and off by a relay. By reversing the poles as desired, the relays enable the motors to rotate in both directions. A pair of two data lines works together, which means each pair operates one motor and this makes rotation in both directions possible.

The joystick is connected to the inputs of the parallel interface and closes the circuit when used. Via push buttons on the joystick, the software switches the relays. When the user pushes a button on the joystick, the programme receives this signal and then sends the command to move the motor (+12 V).