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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

Yoshimitsu Ichiraku

This computer control system using drums, called DoraVideo, was made by programmer Takayuki Ito and drummer Yoshimitsu Ichiraku. These artists, working together, use a drum kit as a huge videocassette player to control images. Ichiraku selects and edits the images and Ito programs the contents.

The point of the work is not so much the content of the images but changing perspectives of how to show images. The primary program of the system is made by Max/MSP/Jitter. The bass drum pedal is the “play button”, the snare is reverse play, the small tam is double speed play, the large tam is double speed reverse play, the floor tam is slow play and the cymbals are stop. What is projected is a dizzying array of clips which flash across the screen, sometimes too fast to assimilate, sometimes viciously slow and looped; singing Japanese girls, war footage, political speeches, even heavy metal bands are rocked back and forth by Ichiraku’s live beats as though a DJ were manipulating a record.

The collection of the first DoraVideo deliberately breaks many international laws concerning DVDs, such as laws on literary piracy, defamation, obscenity, and others. The DVD, which could probably go down in the Guinness Book of World Records for having the most violations of mediarelated laws, is (because of these violations) planned to be deleted just before it goes on sale.