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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

Electronic Performers
Jérôme Blanquet, Laurent Bourdoiseau , Arnaud Ganzerli , Machine Molle

The video Electronic Performers is the story of a feeling represented by a warm vibration spreading all over the body. Has feeling got a physical representation? When I listen to music, the Air song for instance, my body shakes, my heart beats differently, my behavior changes…

Nevertheless, the sound wave that travels through me like a shiver is invisible. How can an invisible world change such matter, such density as the human body… The answer is perhaps in the fact that we are made of sound, of frequency, of pulse rate, of rhythm. The sound is at the base of the matter. The birth of life… The secret of our existence is invisible, unreadable, impenetrable, inscrutable…

Scientists have been studying particles for 50 years. They are trying to define the rules, but it seems to be proving difficult. Step by step, they give us their interpretation of this infinitely small world. The “Cord Theory” of quantum physics reveals that DNA is not the smallest unit of our body. There’s something even smaller. Inside DNA, when we zoom in, we will see a succession of straight lines and if we change our point of view (as we moved the camera), we will see lines describing a volume, a relief… As if the matter was made of waves…

So in the world we’re living in, “matter doesn’t matter”. It’s just a shell. What we are feeling every day is vibration, what we are living for is love.