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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

NetROBOt NetAibo Project
NetROBOt Team

The NEtROBOt project aims to establish a new concept of communication over the Internet, getting a feel of existence in the virtual world by interacting with an actual robot AIBO.

Here we propose a non-simultaneous communication and 3D space-sharing system using Web3D techniques and AIBO as interface. Furthermore, this project is a proposal of new entertainment contents of communication through images, sound, dance, an extension from the original function of AIBO and other stand-alone robots.

3D models of the AIBO are displayed on a web browser, and the actual AIBO beside you reflects the communication of the AIBOs in the Web3D world.

In the first phase of development of NEtROBOt, we made plug-in software (Xtra) for Macromedia Director/Shockwave 3D (which is a very popular application in content development) to control AIBO using its scripting language Lingo. Using this plug-in, content creators with sufficient experience with Director can control AIBO directly, and they can extend their knowledge and techniques in Web3D content development. This system is based on the existing “RhythmEngine” (©2002 Photon, Inc.), which was also developed by Director/Shockwave3D. It started in April 2002, and now there are hundreds of thousands of players typing and hitting keys.