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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

Mountain Forum

Mountain Forum is a global community of individuals and organizations concerned with the wellbeing of mountain people, their environments and cultures, and promotes regional and global action towards equitable and ecologically sustainable mountain development. This global platform facilitates networking and capacity building of those involved in mountain communities and the sustainable development of mountain areas across the world. It seeks to bring lessons and experiences of mountain people into policy discussions at national and international levels with the aim to improve their livelihood and promote the conservation of mountain environments and cultures.

In order to achieve these objectives, Mountain Forum uses modern and traditional communications, supports networking and capacity building and encourages members to be proactive in advocating sustainable development of mountain areas. Mountain Forum's electronic information services include global, regional, and thematic discussion lists, membership databases, focused e-conferences, a calendar of events, a rapidly growing online library of mountain resources and some publications.

Innovations are regularly carried out, with the most recent one being a pilot project carried out in association with Radio Sagarmatha (www.radiosagarmatha.org), which facilitates a two-way communication between a global online community (Mountain Forum) and local rural mountain communities of the Nepal Himalaya through a mix of radio and internet technologies. Members who make up Mountain Forum are from over 100 countries and include activists, administrators, artists, businessmen, community leaders, filmmakers, entrepreneurs, journalists, policy makers, project managers, researchers, students and teachers, amongst others. The Mountain Forum community also includes hundreds of organizations including local NGOs, international NGOs, universities and research institutions, government institutions and intergovernmental organizations.