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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

Abenteuer Arbeitsweg
Ehrentraud Hager, Krmpf Krmpf Studios , Alexander Niederklapfer , David Wurm , Magdalena Wurm

We began working on the film Abenteuer Arbeitsweg in September 2003. All four of us were fans of “Trick-Boxx”, a show on KiKa, the German children’s TV station. One day a set was advertised on the show, a set for making short animated films. It included a digital camera, software, and the likes. We asked KiKa if it could also be delivered to Austria. While we were waiting for an answer, we wrote the entire script. But then, when we hadn’t heard anything by the end of the Christmas holidays 2003, we decided to find another way to make a movie out of our script. David’s father was the official church photographer and through him we were able to get a professional digital camera (Canon EOS). Before we got it, we made a few trial films with a less professional digital camera. We assembled these pictures into a film using Macromedia Flash MX.

Afterwards we were so enthusiastic about the whole idea, that we made bigger plans: we began looking for a new program which we could use to turn photographs into a film and found Magix Video Deluxe 2004/2005, which we then went and bought. During several weeks of shooting, we succeeded in filming everything, except for one scene, which we had to replace while editing the film on the computer. This was towards the end of summer vacation 2005. It took us until mid November to finish editing the film. Soon it became clear that the date we had set for the first showing (Christmas) would not work. We still had to synchronize the entire film. We recorded all the voices at home, and the sound of trains at the central station in Linz and at the station in Ebelsberg.

We added professional menus and lots of bonus material to the DVD, such as making-of-footage filmed with extra photo and video cameras during the weeks of shooting, and a few outtakes. We also designed and now manage the homepage for the film ourselves.