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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

Animalia Chordata
Gabriel Barcia-Colombo

A wide variety of human specimens have been collected in bottles and placed on view for your enjoyment. Watch as they struggle to get out! But approach with caution – the characters in each bottle respond to your presence. While some beg you for help, others fear for their lives!

Animalia Chordata is a video installation based on the idea of collecting bugs as a child. What if you could collect people?

As a filmmaker, I constantly struggled with the two dimensionality of the cinematic screen. I felt like cinema, like life, should be participatory. Cinema shouldn’t be a static sedentary experience; it should be full of motion, energy and life. I wanted characters to emerge from the screen and interact with viewers in real three-dimensional space; to live in our world, to breathe our air, to appear alive. Animalia Chordata embraces the traditional elements of cinema – character, story and lighting – by turning them upside-down in the form of an interactive video sculpture. The installation disrupts reality. My intent is to immerse the viewer in an otherworldly experience, a world where tiny human beings are imprisoned in a people zoo for your amusement. You, the viewer, take on the role of a sinister voyeur, a giant being who disrupts the natural calm lives of these tiny creatures.