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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

SGM – Iceberg Probe | an explorative interface
Agnes Meyer-Brandis

The main aim of this probe is the investigation of subterranean icebergs located beneath ice skating rinks and other areas. With the SGM Probe (SubGlacialis Montometer), subterranean lifeforms and ecosystems can now be studied directly in their natural environment. The probe line (50 meters long) disappears into the seemingly endless depths and functions as a sensitive interface between two worlds.

By combining sophisticated hardware and software technology, this ground-breaking location system facilitates research of subterranean icebergs and search activity through the strata.

The SGM Iceberg Probe is an explorative device and video-installation with a sculptural extension into the depths.

Software: Ralf Baecker. Mechanic & electronic support: Roman Kirschner, Martin Nawrath
Supported by: Kunststiftung NRW, NASA/JPL Laboratory