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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

Electronic Frontier Foundation
Electronic Frontier Foundation

Electronic Frontier Foundation digital community – begun in 1990 and still growing – champions freedom in our networked world. EFF works through our website, blog posts and podcasts, online video projects, “action alerts” that encourage personal political involvement, our e-mail newsletter, the promotion of debates and other interactive events, and online guides and other information for writers and artists who want to express themselves digitally.

From the internet to the iPod, technologies are transforming our society and empowering us as speakers, citizens, creators and consumers. When freedoms in this vibrant new electronic environment come under attack, the Electronic Frontier Foundation is the first line of defense for the public interest – getting people informed and involved in protecting expression and innovation on the electronic frontier. Our website and other resources are used to identify, discuss, and then act on the critical digital freedom issues as they develop in cyberspace. The people involved in this project include EFF staff, more than 13,000 EFF members around the globe, more than 46,000 subscribers to our newsletter and more than 68,000 users of our Action Center.

EFF has inspired companion organizations in Finland (Electronic Frontier Finland), Australia (Electronic Frontiers Australia), Canada (Electronic Frontier Canada); our Blue Ribbon Internet Freedom campaign has inspired sister campaigns in Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Portugal, the United Kingdom and South Korea.