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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

CFE – CreARTive Flash Experiments
Stephan Hamberger

I began my project CFE – CreARTive Flash Experiments in February 2007. Until then my creativity had been limited by what my clients wanted, which was why I had been wanting for some time to make a website where I could implement my ideas in various experiments. CreARTive Flash Experiments – abbreviated CFE – is a website where those interested in art and technology can come into contact. A number of different experiments enable users to create little artworks using images, texts and a webcam. These new works, made with the users’ own pictures and texts, can be presented in the gallery. Other visitors can then use them to make further, so to speak, joint artworks. In the gallery, each image can be enlarged and, when touched by the cursor, transformed back into its original image.

In the clipboard, individual stages of each artwork can be stored – this makes it possible to combine different techniques. For the most part, the experiments are based on AS 2.0 bitmap data class. The images can be stored locally using the getPixel method; with it the individual pixels are sent, along with their color values, to a PHP script that creates a JPG image. A variety of great works can be created and then viewed in the respective online galleries.