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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

Fog Painting
Julius Paul Lugmayr

Turning objects into light – I often see objects and landscapes that I like a lot, but I can’t take them with me. This gave me the idea to collect the good feelings from these moments. I do this by making a film and transforming my impressions into light rays. And because light is mood, I can now experience these feelings at home, whenever I like, at the touch of a button.

To do this, I built a device that enables me to create light paintings. It turns the movies I’ve made of objects and landscapes into light rays – this makes my feelings visible in the form of light sculptures. Depending on the movie, the colors and forms of these light images differ, as do their moods. I call the process “Fog Painting”.

A light ray, the movie and a system of mirrors are all used to create a light painting in a column that is filled with smoke. Instead of a brush, there’s a projector; the light generates the colors; and the “fog” replaces a canvas. Feelings evolve all on their own. A PC or a DVD and some electronics bring everything into agreement. The noises made by the equipment are also interesting.

Inside the column there’s a fog machine that pipes in the fog, top ventilation (an air grille), a speed controller, power-supply unit and the master switch, 18 circular pieces of reflecting foil arranged at a slant, a motor with a rotating mirror, and a 12V projector.