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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

L'isla des Neumas
Ramón González-Arroyo

L'isla des Neumas is a sound installation generated by a composition/synthesis software application written in SuperCollider. The application produces an infinite flow of sound following a set of rules. It is, therefore, generative music.

It uses seven speakers placed on two levels to create a space that can be thought as a tri-dimensional canvas. The main idea of the piece is to approach musical sound as a plastic element in the space. It is only through the combination of spatial and temporal compositional aspects that such a perception can be achieved. Surfaces, lines or volumes; transparencies and mixtures.

At some moments a magical transubstantiation happens, and sound is then perceived as a physical object embodied in a space.

Jose Iges, curator of the soundworks exhibition "Sound Dimension" at the Koldo Mitxelena of San Sebastian (Spain), kindly supported the commission and creation of this piece for the exhibition. The Koldo Mitxelena kindly offered me the opportunity to realize it.