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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

Standard Time
datenstrudel, Mark Formanek

Time is under construction. With as much precision as possible, over two dozen workers work around the clock on building a four-by-twelvemeter numeric display made of wood, metal, screws and nails. In sync with real time, in other words, with UTC (Coordinated Universal Time, koordinierte Weltzeit), international standard time, the numbers for the hours and minutes are manually assembled and disassembled. The minutes change at intervals of a minute; the hours, at intervals of an hour. This means that for the first digits the work team has twelve hours at its disposal. Ideally, the last two digits, which show the minutes, are always completed within a minute.

Mark Formanek, realized by Datenstrudel