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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

eEx Network Discovery
Emanuel Jöbstl

eEx Network Discovery enables you to represent and store networks graphically. It detects the computers and devices you're connected to. It allows you to discover computers networked within networks and represent them graphically. Of course you can also add computers manually. So this is a very useful tool for anyone wanting to get to know more about network structure or to analyze and/or understand the internet better. After starting the program, you'll see a small window on your monitor. This small window represents your computer, as you can see from the IP address and the name of your computer. The program automatically recognizes whether you're connected to another computer on the web and adds it to the network. Though you have to authorize the administrator account on your computer, as well as activate the feature "Listen for incoming traffic". So surf the Internet a little and access other computers - within a short time you'll see a map of networks emerge with the computers you've visited.